Sunday, October 16, 2011

Ray Kurzweil stated that "bots" will be able to control and adjust parts of our brains to think and do things that we have not done before. for example: Perhaps repairing some brain functionality that controls our ability to remember.  Alowing humans to experience more than before. What are some of the things that we will be able to do?  Be specific using research as your guide.

Do you think that computers will replace jobs that we do today? Have computers replaced jobs once done by people?  What specific jobs do you think will be replaced by computers? Do you think that morally this is wrong?  Provide good arguments for your position.  Provide good examples and resources to support your argument. Place this information on your blog.

What will happen to people that have been replaced by computers on the job? What will they need to do to be employable?

I think robots will replace jobs that we do today in future. It can also do some jobs that people are unable to do. I think people's jobs will be try to control these robots. However, I don't think robots can really surpass human in the nearly future. So, people can also try to create new technology. I think that morally this is not wrong. It's only a machine. That's why I think it can't surpass human. We don't need to make it with emotion. If it has emotion, it may be wrong, and the robot should have the same treatment with human. So, it can't have feeling, so it can't surpass human.

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